Travel App Case Study
  • MY ROLE: UX designer (Bootcamp Individual Project)
  • DURATION: 2 weeks
  • TOOLS: Miro, Figma, Adobe Illustrator

The Problem

Planning a holiday, whether a short getaway or multi-city trip, requires the traveller to use many different websites and apps to book all their travel needs. Keeping track of flight details, hotel bookings, itinerary and tickets is enough to make most people run for the exit aisle!

"How might we help our users keep track of their travel plans and store all their information in one place?"

My Process

1. Research.

2. Define.

3. Ideate.

4. Design

The Solution

Tripal is a mobile app where users can store all their essential travel information such as flights, accommodation, tickets, reservations and more. Users can plan out their itinerary and link important information such as map references, notes and emails.


I interviewed a mix of male and female professionals, between the ages of 20-50yrs with the objective of identifing pain points that people fear or have experienced when planning a trip.
From the interviews, I collated the responses in to an affinity diagram grouping similar themes to define user insights and a user persona.


Key insights derived from affinity and empathy mapping.

User Persona

The persona represents the frustrations and goals of a typical traveller.


Nathalie, 31


  • Bio:
  • Nathalie rents an apartment in Melbourne. She works as a Marketing Manager and earns a good salary.
  • She's in a long-term relationship, with no children.
  • Her friends would describe her as confident and sociable. She loves cooking and travelling.
  • Needs:
  • An easier and less time-consuming way to search for flights and accommodation.
  • A way to keep all her online tickets and research organised and together.
  • Wants to stay up-to date on flight information and events.
  • Frustrations:
  • Not remembering where her tickets are saved.
  • Having to search dozens of different websites to compare and get the best price.
  • Waiting more than 2 seconds for a webpage to open.
  • Unreliable Google information.

User Journey

Nathalie is planning a big trip to Europe with her best friend. They want to visit multiple countries and plan to do lots of activities. Nathalie finds it hard to keep track of all her travel arrangements and sometimes forgets her logins and passwords or where tickets are saved.

The journey map below shows the points of frustration in the planning process and pin points the areas where our product could help.


Brainstormimg ideas and feature prioritization.


Wireframes through to mid-fidelity prototypes for user testing.

Final Product

Tripal is designed to be the ultimate travel accessory, like a travel wallet, but way better! Users can store all their essential travel information such as flights, accommodation and tickets, plus they can plan out their itinerary and link important information such as maps and emails.

To increase user engagement, users can share their travel profile online and follow friends or even travel bloggers for inspiration.

Thank you